Upcoming Changes to API URLs

As a TestLodge user, you know that we recently improved our login experience and have also moved away from using personal account URLs to access our web app. We are now making a similar domain change for the API.
The API is accessed currently through https://<account_address>.api.testlodge.com/v1/. Shortly, you will need to update all your API integrations so that calls are made to the following URL instead - https://api.testlodge.com/v1/account/{account_id}/
To be able to access your APIs from this address, you will need to add your numerical {account_ID} which you can find within the URL in the browser bar as you view your account.
To allow time to migrate all your existing code to this new URL, we are taking a phased approach to this change. And to support a smooth and timely crossover, the API is currently active on both the new and old URLs. This means that any code you have that is currently active will continue to work, and it also allows you to schedule your migration to the new URL.
We will be removing all old API URLs on (or just after) 1st October 2021, meaning that APIs will no longer be accessible through the old URL from then.
For further details, please see our API documentation.
If you have any questions about this change, please don't hesitate to get in touch.