Recent TestLodge Updates

As we continue to work on our regular, significant TestLodge upgrades, we have released a number of smaller but still important updates. These we list for you below.

App improvements

  • Markdown: When inserting code blocks using the markdown syntax, they will now be formatted correctly with indentation.

  • Project Dashboard: We've improved this for users with read-only access.

  • Test run exports: Custom field data from the original test case is now exported into their own column.


  • New Test case uploads resource: You can now upload images via a URL. SHOW, CREATE, and DELETE endpoints have been added.

  • Test run uploads: A switch to allow file uploads via a URL for test runs.

  • Improved feedback: More detailed feedback is received when specific common errors occur due to invalid inputs.

Issue trackers

  • Issue title prefix: You can now define prefixes for the titles of all issues raised.

  • Mantis: Following Mantis's recent API improvements, we have updated our integration so you can select and set the assigned user for any issues raised directly by TestLodge.

  • Jira: This update caters for the increased length of API tokens Jira now creates.

  • Azure: We have refreshed the integration to use the latest version of their API.

Google test case import

  • We've implemented Google's latest authentication standards, allowing more granular control for sharing users' Google data.


While we have continued improving our server infrastructure, all improvements have gone as planned with minimal downtime.