Jira integration update

The renowned and widely used tool Jira was one of our first issue-tracker integrations. Over the years, we have regularly updated our integration, reflecting the tool’s popularity.
In line with our most recent Jira updates, we’re pleased to announce that another new version of our integration is available to all users.
This update contains the following changes:
We have migrated our integration to the latest version of the Jira REST API. This ensures continued up-to-date compatibility and the ability to utilize any new features that Jira releases.
Jira ticket labels can now be selected and set in TestLodge on any new ticket before the test is marked as failed.
Jira is highly customizable, so fields such as priority, assignee, and labels are not always in use on Jira projects. We’ve updated our integration to check if these fields are enabled before trying to set them. This makes our integration even more robust while helping to prevent errors.
This integration has been developed and tested with Jira version 9.15 and will work with any Jira cloud install.
Many users self-host their Jira install, which can often mean their instance is not on the latest version. Therefore, the previous version of our Jira integration will remain available. Select this version if your instance is earlier than Jira 9.15.