urn:noticeable:projects:gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthofTestLodge Product Updateswww.testlodge.com2024-06-19T13:51:36.181ZCopyright © TestLodgeNoticeablehttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof/newspages/keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS/01h55ta3gsq5z1bnrbygwn65aj-header-logo.pnghttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof/newspages/keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS/01h55ta3gsq5z1bnrbygwn65aj-header-logo.png#0a7de0urn:noticeable:publications:WR11qy4FjgnFVQqhrsmR2024-06-19T13:45:47.448Z2024-06-19T13:51:36.181ZZoho BugTracker - Our Latest Issue Tracking IntegrationZoho BugTracker integrates with TestLodge for an improved testing experience. Bugs are raised automatically, saving time and manual effort.<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Joining the many TestLodge integrations available to our users comes Zoho BugTracker. This popular issue tracking tool lets you log, track, and resolve issues collaboratively.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Once integrated with TestLodge, issues can be raised and updated automatically each time a test fails. This bonus puts an end to wasting time by raising issues manually and duplicating effort.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">For more information, read more on our </span><a href="https://blog.testlodge.com/zoho-bugtracker-test-management/?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=testlodge.zoho-bugtracker-our-latest-issue-tracking-integration&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof.keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS.WR11qy4FjgnFVQqhrsmR&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">Zoho BugTracker integration</span></a><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> details, and raise your software testing experience.</span></p>Jane Orielurn:noticeable:publications:29HzWvLtsagi2XbwjizF2022-09-23T09:11:20.505Z2022-09-23T09:13:56.108ZNew feature - Accepting payments by PayPalTestLodge introduces PayPal as an alternative payment method. If a primary method fails, setting up PayPal can ensure continuity of service.<p>The facility to add and store multiple payment methods was recently introduced. Now, we are pleased to announce another new way to pay.</p><p>You can now pay for TestLodge monthly subscriptions through PayPal.</p><p>To switch to PayPal payments, log in as an account holder, select 'Payment details' from your account, and choose to add a new payment method.</p><p>If, at some point, your primary method fails, this new method of payment can also work as a backup. The addition of this new way to pay means your TestLodge subscription can now be paid by card, ACH, and PayPal, providing extra flexibility for anyone who prefers an alternative to paying by card.</p><p>If you have any questions on this, please let us know.</p>Jane Orielurn:noticeable:publications:1Ziydc1ETTSKc5matlYx2022-07-07T07:24:44.427Z2022-07-07T07:31:12.640ZIntroducing our GitLab integrationOur GitLab integration allows for issues to be automatically raised whenever a test fails in TestLodge.<p>Our GitLab integration is the latest addition to our library of issue tracking tools that we have support for and is immediately available for use by all users.</p><p>Being a common tool for Git and Devops, GitLab offers a variety of tools to help teams through the various stages of development, from planning to production. One of these is issue/defect management, which is the area where our integration supports.</p><p>Setting up this integration is straight foward and only takes a few minutes to get started; please see our <a href="https://www.testlodge.com/?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=testlodge.introducing-our-gitlab-integration&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof.keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS.1Ziydc1ETTSKc5matlYx&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">introduction</a>.</p>Scott Sherwoodurn:noticeable:publications:IWQY9IOXWTAEMA7Vzo8H2022-05-30T11:19:25.780Z2022-05-30T11:24:20.086ZIntroducing our new Linear integrationOur Linear integration is the latest addition to our library of bug tracker options and is immediately available for use by existing and new users of TestLodge.<p>Our Linear integration is the latest addition to our library of bug tracker options and is immediately available for use by existing and new users of TestLodge.</p><p>We are pleased to announce that we added Linear in response to high demand from our users. Linear is a great addition to the lineup of tools we support that enable issues to be raised and updated automatically whenever you execute your tests.</p><p>Linear is a recent entry to the lineup of defect tracking tools. It offers a streamlined approach and dedicated apps for different platforms.</p><p>For further information and description of features, head over to our <a href="https://blog.testlodge.com/linear-test-case-management-tool/?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=testlodge.introducing-our-new-linear-integration&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof.keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS.IWQY9IOXWTAEMA7Vzo8H&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="text-decoration: underline">blog</span></a>. If you are not already a TestLodge user, please take a look at our introduction to the <a href="https://www.testlodge.com/test-case-tool-integrations/linear?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=testlodge.introducing-our-new-linear-integration&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof.keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS.IWQY9IOXWTAEMA7Vzo8H&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Linear integration</span></a> and sign up for a TestLodge free 30 day trial.</p>Jane Orielurn:noticeable:publications:bzQFwe6wzi9OxCBLSdA62021-07-21T13:13:00Z2021-07-09T12:56:32.208ZIntroducing Google Authentication for TestLodgeWe're also pleased to announce the availability to login using your Google credentials.<p>To make signing into your TestLodge account even easier and more secure, you can now log in using Google authentication if you already have an account with Google.</p><p>Using a single sign-on means less usernames or passwords to remember, and if you are already using Google SSO to log in to different apps, you should be able to access your TestLodge account that little bit quicker.</p><p>If you want to use your Google credentials to log in to your existing account, please follow these steps:</p><ol><li><p>Make sure your email address is exactly the same as the one you use for your google account.</p></li><li><p>Log out of your TestLodge account.</p></li><li><p>Return to the login page, but this time choose to log in using Google instead.</p></li><li><p>Once authorized, you will be asked if you want to link to your existing TestLodge account. Choose yes, then log in again as usual with the password you set in step one. (You must complete this final step; otherwise, your social account won't link to your TestLodge one.)</p></li></ol><p>Now you can log in by using either method.</p>Scott Sherwoodurn:noticeable:publications:fjpS44RPJEqjsMTJmYqd2021-06-08T08:02:38.805Z2021-06-08T08:12:37.220ZNew Integration - ClickUpWith this latest release, we introduce our new ClickUp test management integration.<p>We are pleased to announce that we have completed and released a new integration with ClickUp.</p><p>The integration will allow you to use ClickUp as a bug tracker and automate the creating and updating defects.</p><p>We've got further details of this integration over on our blog: <a href="https://blog.testlodge.com/clickup-test-case-management/?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=testlodge.new-integration-clickup&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof.keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS.fjpS44RPJEqjsMTJmYqd&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="text-decoration: underline">ClickUp Test Case Management Integration</span></a></p>Scott Sherwood[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:sUAIm2FaNd70LT8nfGDt2020-10-19T09:32:00Z2021-05-07T09:33:14.302ZFeature Release: Modify an Existing Test RunFollowing the latest release, we've added the ability to add and remove tests from within an existing test run.<p>A new feature has gone live today at TestLodge. Users can now modify existing test runs.</p><p>This means that you can now make minor alterations to existing tests, such as when you realize you have forgotten to add something, like an individual suite.</p><p>You can add or remove individual cases, test suites, and test configurations to an existing run. But remember, if you choose to remove a test that has already had a result assigned to it, that particular result will be lost.</p><p>Being able to modify a test run gives extra flexibility to all your existing runs. If you forget to select a suite, set a configuration, or if the scope changes halfway through a project, runs can now be appended to so that you no longer need to stick with original selections.</p><p>All permissions stay the same, so users with read/write privileges have access to make the changes as described above. All users who only have read access will still only be able to view existing content.</p><p>This feature has gone live today and was inspired by your valued feedback. Thank you for continuing to provide great ideas on how we can continue to improve the tool.</p>Scott Sherwoodurn:noticeable:publications:ztxfLJbjwVKWfQWwYd2f2020-05-26T09:24:00Z2021-05-07T09:25:33.123ZMajor New Version of TestLodge Coming SoonA major new version of TestLodge is coming soon. Always easy to learn and use, the fresh redesign and improvements will increase your productivity further.<p>Get ready for the new and improved TestLodge. After an extensive consultation, research and design process, the TestLodge interface has been redesigned to support your goals and objectives better than ever. TestLodge is now even easier to use, and is more powerful too, enabling you and your team to manage testing more efficiently, and effectively.</p><h2>5 New Highlights To Look Out For</h2><h3>1. A Clutter-free Interface</h3><p>The guiding philosophy behind our new design was to create clutter-free pages to make it easier to focus on your testing efforts. To help further, we have hidden within sub-menus features that are less often needed but which display on a click. We have positively embraced white space, and have only retained content that users regard as useful.</p><h3>2. Navigation has been Designed Around You</h3><p>We have taken the most commonly performed tasks as the design basis for our new navigation system. Actions such as creating a test run can now be achieved even more efficiently, and repetitive tasks completed quickly. Our complete rethink will save considerable time for our users during their busy work days.</p><h3>3. Enhanced Search and Filter Features</h3><p>Search for test cases by custom field when creating a test run, find individual users, test suites, projects, and other content even more quickly. In an improvement to the navigation bar, you can now jump from one project to another and open it in the same section of the tool you are currently using. There are many improvements around the search in all areas of the tool.</p><h3>4. Integrated Multiple Issue Trackers</h3><p>Users will now be able to integrate multiple issue trackers within a single TestLodge account. This facility has been often requested by TestLodge customers and we are happy to include it as part of the new update. Look out for an upcoming blog post that will have more details about this development.</p><p>Over the coming months we will also be looking to add support for additional issue tracking tools, further details of these new integrations will be provided in the weeks and months to come.</p><h3>5. Accessible Tutorials and Guides on our TestLodge Blog</h3><p>The TestLodge Blog is where we will be showcasing the new features, and posting the new How To guides and tutorials for the application. Our knowledge base has also been updated and we will also be rolling out new up to date demonstration videos during the coming months.</p><h2>Our User-centred Design Approach</h2><p>Our design teams have made TestLodge simpler to use and more powerful by placing users right at the centre of our design process. We have listened to your feedback, included you in our testing and we will continue to listen post-launch so our updates continue to support your needs.</p><h2>When Can I Start Using The New TestLodge?</h2><p>We will launch the new version of TestLodge on Saturday 27th June 2020 and hope that you will enjoy using it. As excited as we are, we know that we are not finished yet and will continue to monitor and optimize the tool. Continued improvements will be released over time, as we listen to your feedback and stay abreast of needs within the industry.</p><p>No TestLodge account? Why not <a href="https://www.testlodge.com/pricing?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=testlodge.major-new-version-of-testlodge-coming-soon&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof.keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS.ztxfLJbjwVKWfQWwYd2f&amp;utm_medium=newspage">sign up</a> today and your account receive the update when released.</p>Scott Sherwoodurn:noticeable:publications:SSnwQO3zoSe11LGrRr6d2018-02-14T10:18:00Z2022-03-23T10:11:31.645ZNew release: Enhanced Issue Tracker IntegrationWe are pleased to announce some key improvements to how the framework behind our issue tracker integrations work.<p>We are pleased to announce some key improvements to how the framework behind our issue tracker integrations work.</p><p>TestLodge integrates with 20 of the leading issue tracking tools. Currently, all have the automatic functionality to create a ticket when a test fails in TestLodge. From feedback we have received, this is a very popular feature and a big time saver to those performing the testing.</p><p>This valuable functionality is about to go one step further as we add the following additions to supported tools:</p><ul><li><p>Get fast access to any failed tests. The issue tracker ticket status can be pulled back with just one click.</p></li><li><p>Create re-runs that combine test case results with their issue tracker status. Now a test run could be created to include all tests that 'failed' and that have an associated issue tracker ticket marked as ‘resolved’.</p></li><li><p>No need to create a fresh ticket every time. If a test already has an associated ticket, TestLodge will update it automatically with the latest result to provide a more efficient testing experience.</p></li><li><p>As well as updating the ticket, new options allow you to modify certain settings from TestLodge directly, such as setting a status to ‘closed’. (Options will differ slightly per issue tracker.)</p></li></ul><p>This new two-way communication between TestLodge and the issue trackers closes the gap further between both tools to reduce the time scale when managing discovered defects.</p><h2>Which issue trackers will gain this functionality?</h2><p>As previously mentioned, we now support twenty different tools. As such, updating across the board won’t happen overnight. We are gradually rolling out these improvements over the coming year, starting with the most commonly used integrations.</p><h3>Jira, Basecamp, ActiveCollab and Trello</h3><p>So with this, we are pleased to mention that our <a href="https://www.testlodge.com/test-case-tool-integrations/jira?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=testlodge.new-release-enhanced-issue-tracker-integration&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof.keFqXjzfInpMWOQtvfFS.SSnwQO3zoSe11LGrRr6d&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Jira</a>, Basecamp, ActiveCollab and Trello integrations will be the first tools to gain this enhanced functionality. We are working to have these ready by next month and we will be producing updated demonstration videos to show the new functionality in action for all four tools.</p><p><em>Jira users: To access these improvements you must be using the latest version of our integration. You can check this from under the ‘Settings’ tab when you next log in to TestLodge.</em></p><h2>Finally</h2><p>If you haven't done so already, please do subscribe to our monthly newsletter where we will continue to provide updates as the new functionality becomes available to other integrations.</p>Jane Orielurn:noticeable:publications:JdpOrFsCzUj4DVbfuvtt2016-10-26T08:45:00Z2021-05-07T08:48:08.011ZMore Details About Our Latest ReleaseWe recently made several key improvements to TestLodge, including two major updates. In this post we properly introduce you to these changes.<p>We recently made several key improvements to TestLodge, including two major updates. In this blog we properly introduce you to the new search and to the new features within the test suites.</p><h2>Overview of the new search</h2><p>In our desire to keep improving TestLodge, for several months this year, we trialled a natural language search on the project list page. The results showed it to be very reliable, fast and more popular than the keyword search it replaced. Consequently, we have now rolled it out across the entire tool, replacing all old searches.</p><p>A new search page has also been introduced that allows you to search across everything within a project at the same time. For example, you might want to find a test case but are not sure which test suite it’s in. The new search page will enable you to find what you’re looking for accurately and quickly.</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof/publications/JdpOrFsCzUj4DVbfuvtt/01h55ta3gs416w5r364ha6dn3f-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p>Everything you need at your fingertips, all test plans, requirement documents and test suite searches, have now been updated to use this new search.</p><p>We received a lot of feedback about our old searches. We took note, then developed and added this new improvement based on the feedback.</p><h2>Overview of new test suite sections</h2><p>From the very beginning, test cases have been organized in lists that were easy to edit, delete, drag and drop as the way to order them. This structure remains the best and easiest way for tests to be maintained but we have added one key improvement.</p><p>Based on feedback, we have added the ability for you to group these test cases into sections inside a single test suite. The added flexibility enables you to add a test case to any selected section, as well as drag test cases between sections.</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/gdVDqs3AZar6ivdfthof/publications/JdpOrFsCzUj4DVbfuvtt/01h55ta3gsvejwx4pqy1450apy-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p>All your existing test cases will have been added to a default section, so if you don't need to group them, you won’t need to do anything. Everything will continue to work the way it did before.</p><h2>Finally</h2><p>With both the new search and the new test suite sections, we are confident that you will enjoy using the new additions as you work with TestLodge.</p>Scott Sherwood